Start-Ups need more freedom

Start-Ups need more freedom

Currently, we are noticing that innovative start-ups cannot work according to standardized business plans. It is not just the imponderables in the technical development process that are difficult to calculate. The greatest risks arise from unclear or non-existent legal regulations, blanket bans, unclear responsibilities in the authorities or an exhausting legislative process. Our hard-earned technological lead simply cannot be capitalized as a result. Other countries, such as Canada, China, New Zealand and the USA, are increasingly leaving us Germans behind when it comes to launching innovative products and services. According to our research, innovations that are comparable to ours can be brought to market in China within 2 to 3 months. In Germany, the comparable process unfortunately takes an average of 1.5 to 2 years. The quality seal "Made in Germany" is increasingly fading, as we in Germany find it increasingly difficult to be "made". For these reasons, we welcome the statements by Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, who calls for more freedom for innovative companies. According to his statements in, innovations must not fail due to legal regulations. But that is only one component for a faster market launch of innovative products. We also demand more courage and willingness to communicate from the authorities - at least in Saxony. This could lead to greater mutual understanding and accelerate the difficult administrative processes.


Kretschmer: Deutschland muss erster Markt für Flugtaxis werden

Diese Punkte fordert Sachsens Ministerpräsident im DUB Digital Business Talk, damit Deutschland unter anderem zum ersten Markt für Flugtaxis wird.

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