We are pleased to announce Uplink Network GmbH as our new customer

We are pleased to announce Uplink Network GmbH as our new customer

UPLINK Network GmbH, founded in 2013, has established itself as the market leader in recent years as part of the deregulation of the market for FM transmitter network operations. With the operation of 750 VHF frequencies today, most of which are held with their own frequency allocation, the company is helping to shape an exciting industry and taking care of the who-is-who of private and public radio broadcasters. German Copters will survey radio masts for Uplink and provide 3D data for analysing the antenna systems and maintenance preparation.

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German Copters

Die German Copters DLS GmbH ist spezialisiert auf Drohnen-basierende Services rund um Foto- und Videoaufnahmen, ingenieurtechnische Dienstleitungen und die Durchführung von Transporten mit Drohnen.


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