360-degree photo with almost 1 Gigapixel Resolution

360-degree photo with almost 1 Gigapixel Resolution

High-resolution photography,so-called "gigapixel photography", is not only used in marketing campaigns. This technology is also used in the construction planning and analysis of properties. CMO Holger Schulze is one of the pioneers of this technology. In 2013, he produced the largest image in the world, which contained over 320 gigapixels (confirmed Guinness World Record) in London. High-resolution photos are also created for customers in Germany. The city of Dresden has almost a 1 gigapixel photo of its surroundings.

➡ 1 Gigapixel recorded with a drone 

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German Copters

German Copters DLS GmbH specializes in drone-based servises for photo and video recordings, engineering services and carrying out drone transports.


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