Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

For us as German Copters, 2021 was an exciting but very successful year. Even if Corona was raging and we were affected by it, we were able to more than double our sales. We found new employees, worked on new projects, invested in technology, and signed sponsorship agreements with interesting sports clubs in the region. The planning for the coming year is almost complete. If we only successfully complete 20% of the planned jobs in 2022, we will probably double our sales again in the coming year. It remains exciting.

But now it is time to pause for a moment, use the holidays together with the family for some rest and recharge your batteries. We also think of our employees, customers, partners and friends. Health is most important. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and please stay safe.

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German Copters

German Copters DLS GmbH specializes in drone-based servises for photo and video recordings, engineering services and carrying out drone transports.

+49 351 275 411 79
Flughafenstr. 59
70629 Stuttgart


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